Seeking truth 心的挣扎 (18)做人难
Hard to be human

但 自 在 脱 就 却 不 这 已 浪 
是 由 蓝 了 像 无 愿 是 不 迹
无 一 蓝 线 一 处 归 一 属 天
目 一 的 的 支 归 还 群 于 涯
的 一 天 风 支 宿 一 忘 中 的
地 一 上 筝 一 的 一 却 国 中
飞 一 一 一 一 群 一 来 一 国
翔 一 一 一 一 体 一 处 一 人
不归人 (A person who will not return)

中国人这几十年来经历了人类历史上罕有的深重苦难,千千万万的生灵死于无辜。 毛泽东创造了一个个前所未有的政治运动,使全中国人,上至周恩来、刘少奇、 下至学生、未成年的小孩子、都生活在恐惧之中。为了活下去,证明自己革命和 忠诚,人们就去斗争和折磨身边的亲人、朋友、同事、所谓形形色色的阶级敌人。 当时的中国人不是在被别人迫害,就是在迫害别人。我从朋友那里听到的最知心 和深沉的感叹是“做人真难啊!”。

每个中国人心里都在想“做人难”, 但是谁也不敢说出来。

在那个可怕而且可耻的年代中,最残酷,最不留情的往往不是共产党的官僚和积 极分子,而是与被斗人最亲的亲人、最好的朋友、最接近的同事。为了立功赎罪, 为了证明自己的清白,为了要划清界线,很多人就在亲人、朋友、同事的拳打脚 踢下含恨离开人世。那是令人不忍目睹的场景,被打的人疯了,打人的人也疯了, 观看的人叫喊着阶级斗争的口号,共产党的官僚和积极分子转着眼睛寻找表情暧 昧、立场不坚定的人。人们今天不去回忆那段历史, 都说自己是受害者,没有 勇气去正视自己那时的样子,因为它太肮脏了,不肮脏的人是无法安度过那个肮 脏的岁月的。

其实真正肮脏的是那个制度,它将人类本性中求生的本能和自私逼迫到极点,以 违反道德和良心的方式放大出来,它将人变成了魔鬼。中国多么需要真正的文学 大师能够将这段苦难的历史和灾难真切深刻地描绘出来。如果中国官方继续隐盖 历史真相,那么中国人在二十世纪中几代人付出的学费,几千万的冤魂,几代人 的痛苦生活将沉至大海,一无所得。一个毛泽东阴魂不散的民族,意味著新的毛 泽东将会像太阳一样从中国的土地重新升起来。

In the last century, Chinese people experienced enormous suffering, that tens of thousands of people died innocent, which is barely seen in history. The unprecedented political campaigns which came one after another made all people live with terror,  from young to old, students to the prime minister, from Zhou En Lai to Liu Shao Qi, all were being impacted. In order to continue to live and prove that they were loyal to the revolution, people started to engage in fighting against and torture of their loved ones, friends, colleagues, and so-called class enemies of all stripes. At that time if people didn't persecute others, then they were being persecuted by others.  I heard my friend  say this, from the bottom of his heart, "It is so difficult being a human! "

Every Chinese person thought inside that it is hard to be humans, but nobody dared to speak out.

In that terrible and shameful era, the most cruel and unsparing ones were not those bureaucrats and activists, but those best friends, dearest loved ones and closest colleagues of those who were to be hurt. In order to help themselves atone for their misdeeds, to atone [redeem] for one's misdeeds prove their innocence, to draw a demarcation line with those victims, people punched and kicked their loved ones, friends and colleagues who felt much hatred before their death. Those scenes were unbearable, all people were insane, whether  the victims  or the perpetrators. Only those onlookers shouted out slogans of the class struggle,and bureaucrats and activists rolled their eyes around looking for those whose expressions were ambiguous and could not stand firmly. Today, people don't recall that history any more. They all say that they were the victims, since they don't have enough courage to face their looks at that time, since they were too filthy. Those who were innocent instead, indeed, could not spend their time in comfort in those years.

The real dirty thing was the system which has forced the survival instinct and selfish nature of humans to the extreme, to magnify it in a way that violated morality and conscience turning humans to monsters. China really needs the real literature masters to profoundly and vividly describe these hardships and disasters in that period of time. If Chinese people keep covering up the truths of the history and choose to forget, then the tuition fees, tens of thousands victims' souls and several generations' pain throughout the entire twentieth century will sink to the bottom of the sea, making efforts and receiving nothing in return.

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